Radical Technologies


Earning the Docker Certified Associate (DCA), Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), and Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certifications together demonstrates comprehensive expertise in containerization and Kubernetes technologies. The combination of these certifications demonstrates a high level of competence in containerization and Kubernetes technologies, making individuals equipped to excel in a variety of roles within cloud-native and DevOps projects.

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The Syllabus

Curriculum Designed by Experts

Open Source – Docker & Kubernetes
Docker – Overview
Docker – Installing Docker on Linux
Docker – Installation
Docker – Hub
Docker – Images
Docker – Images Lifecycle
Docker – Containers
Docker – Containers Lifecycle
Docker – Working With Containers
Docker – Architecture
Docker – Configuring
Docker – Containers & Shells
Docker – File
Docker – Building Files
Building a Web Server Docker File
Docker – Public Repositories
Docker – Managing Ports
Docker – Private Registries
Docker – Instruction Commands
Docker – Container Linking
Docker – Storage
Docker – Networking
Docker – Setting NGINX
Docker – Toolbox
Docker – Logging
Docker – Compose
Kubernetes – Overview
Kubernetes – Architecture
Kubernetes – Setup
Kubernetes – Images
Kubernetes – Jobs
Kubernetes – Labels & Selectors
Kubernetes – Namespace
Kubernetes – Node
Kubernetes – Service
Kubernetes – Pod
Kubernetes – Replication Controller
Kubernetes – Replica Sets
Kubernetes – Deployments
Kubernetes – Volumes
Kubernetes – Secrets
Kubernetes – Network Policy
Advanced Kubernetes
Kubernetes – API
Kubernetes – Kubectl
Kubernetes – Kubectl Commands
Kubernetes – Creating an App
Kubernetes – App Deployment
Kubernetes – Autoscaling
Kubernetes – Dashboard Setup
Kubernetes – Monitoring
AWS-Docker & Kubernetes
Elastic Container Registry
What Is Amazon Elastic Container Registry?
Components of Amazon ECR
Authorization Token
Repository Policy
Elastic Container Service
Docker Container Concepts
An intro to Amazon ECS
Terms and architecture
Task Definition
ECS Container Instances and ECS Container Agents
Elastic Kubernetes Service
Overview: Installing Kubernetes
Installing Dependencies
Installing the Latest Kubernetes
Exploring Your Kubernetes Installation
Kubernetes Architecture and Design
Achieving High-Availability
Scaling Kubernetes
Configuration Best Practices
Creating and Decoding Secrets
Using Secrets in Applications
Overview: Docker Containerization
Installing Docker and Building the Image
Deploying Your Docker Container
Interacting With Your Container
Hands-on Kubernetes on AWS
Azure-Docker & Kubernetes
Azure container registry
Docker Container Concepts
Deploying Containers
Multi-container Applications
Azure Container Registry
Azure Container Clustering Options
Installing ACS
Azure Container Service
Introduction to Azure Container Service
Azure Container Instances
Creating your first container in Azure
Azure Marketplace containers
Container orchestration
Azure Kubernets Services
What is AKS?
Kubernetes core concepts for AKS
Install the Kubernetes CLI
Baseline architecture for an AKS cluster
Clusters and workloads
Access and identity
Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
Create a Kubernetes cluster
Connect to cluster using kubectl
Deploy the application
Scale applications
Update an application
Upgrade Kubernetes
GCP-Docker & Kubernetes
Google Container Registry
Create Account
Compute Engine
Running an image
Google Container Services
Containers on Compute Engine
Container technologies that run on Compute Engin
Container-optimized VM images
Installing container technologies on your instances
Install Docker
Google Kubernets Services
Understanding the GKE Service Profiles
Benefits of Using GKE
Costing Model Used in GKE
Using the GCP Calculator
GKE Architecture
Deploying an Application
Kubernetes Components
Basic Commands
GKE Architecture
GKE and IAM Requirements
GKE Federation Requirements
Kubernetes Cluster Actions
Scale/Resize a Cluster
DCA - Domain 1: Orchestration (25% of exam)
Content may include the following:
  • Complete the setup of a swarm mode cluster, with managers and worker nodes
  • State the differences between running a container vs running a service
  • Demonstrate steps to lock a swarm cluster
  • Extend the instructions to run individual containers into running services under swarm
  • Interpret the output of “docker inspect” commands
  • Convert an application deployment into a stack file using a YAML compose file with
  • “docker stack deploy”
  • Manipulate a running stack of services
  • Increase # of replicas
  • Add networks, publish ports
  • Mount volumes
  • Illustrate running a replicated vs global service
  • Identify the steps needed to troubleshoot a service not deploying
  • Apply node labels to demonstrate placement of tasks
  • Sketch how a Dockerized application communicates with legacy systems
  • Paraphrase the importance of quorum in a swarm cluster
  • Demonstrate the usage of templates with “docker service create”

DCA - Domain 2: Image Creation, Management, and Registry (20% of exam)
Content may include the following:
● Describe Dockerfile options [add, copy, volumes, expose, entrypoint, etc)
● Show the main parts of a Dockerfile
● Give examples on how to create an efficient image via a Dockerfile
● Use CLI commands such as list, delete, prune, rmi, etc to manage images
● Inspect images and report specific attributes using filter and format
● Demonstrate tagging an image
● Utilize a registry to store an image
● Display layers of a Docker image
● Apply a file to create a Docker image
● Modify an image to a single layer
● Describe how image layers work
● Deploy a registry (not architect)
● Configure a registry
● Log into a registry
● Utilize search in a registry
● Tag an image
● Push an image to a registry
● Sign an image in a registry
● Pull an image from a registry
● Describe how image deletion works
● Delete an image from a registry
DCA - Domain 3: Installation and Configuration (15% of exam)
Content may include the following:
  • Demonstrate the ability to upgrade the Docker engine
  • Complete setup of repo, select a storage driver, and complete installation of Docker
  • engine on multiple platforms
  • Configure logging drivers (splunk, journald, etc)
  • Setup swarm, configure managers, add nodes, and setup backup schedule
  • Create and manager user and teams
  • Interpret errors to troubleshoot installation issues without assistance
  • Outline the sizing requirements prior to installation
  • Understand namespaces, cgroups, and configuration of certificates
  • Use certificate-based client-server authentication to ensure a Docker daemon has the
  • rights to access images on a registry
  • Consistently repeat steps to deploy Docker engine, UCP, and DTR on AWS and on
  • premises in an HA config
  • Complete configuration of backups for UCP and DTR
  • Configure the Docker daemon to start on boot
DCA - Domain 4: Networking (15% of exam)
Content may include the following:
  • Create a Docker bridge network for a developer to use for their containers
  • Troubleshoot container and engine logs to understand a connectivity issue between
  • containers
  • Publish a port so that an application is accessible externally
  • Identify which IP and port a container is externally accessible on
  • Describe the different types and use cases for the built-in network drivers
  • Understand the Container Network Model and how it interfaces with the Docker engine
  • and network and IPAM drivers
  • Configure Docker to use external DNS
  • Use Docker to load balance HTTP/HTTPs traffic to an application (Configure L7 load
  • balancing with Docker EE)
  • Understand and describe the types of traffic that flow between the Docker engine,
  • registry, and UCP controllers
  • Deploy a service on a Docker overlay network
  • Describe the difference between “host” and “ingress” port publishing mode
DCA - Domain 5: Security (15% of exam)

Content may include the following:

  • Describe the process of signing an image
  • Demonstrate that an image passes a security scan
  • Enable Docker Content Trust
  • Configure RBAC in UCP
  • Integrate UCP with LDAP/AD
  • Demonstrate creation of UCP client bundles
  • Describe default engine security
  • Describe swarm default security
  • Describe MTLS
  • Identity roles
  • Describe the difference between UCP workers and managers
  • Describe process to use external certificates with UCP an


DCA - Domain 6: Storage and Volumes (10% of exam)
Content may include the following:
  • State which graph driver should be used on which OS
  • Demonstrate how to configure devicemapper
  • Compare object storage to block storage, and explain which one is preferable when available
  • Summarize how an application is composed of layers and where those layers reside on
  • the filesystem
  • Describe how volumes are used with Docker for persistent storage
  • Identify the steps you would take to clean up unused images on a filesystem, also on
  • DTR
  • Demonstrate how storage can be used across cluster nodes
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Curriculum 1.13.0


  • Use label selectors to schedule Pods.
  • Understand the role of Daemon Sets.
  • Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling.
  • Understand how to run multiple schedulers and how to configure Pods
    to use them.
  • Manually schedule a pod without a scheduler.
  • Display scheduler events.
  • Know how to configure the Kubernetes scheduler.


  • Understand how to monitor all cluster components.
  • Understand how to monitor applications.
  • Manage cluster component logs.
  • Manage application logs.

8%-Application Lifecycle Management

  • Understand Deployment sand how to perform rolling updates and rollbacks.
  • Know various ways to configure applications.
  • Know how to scale applications.
  • Understand the primitives necessary to create a self-healing application.
  • Understand Kubernetes cluster upgrade process.
  • Facilitate operating system upgrades.
  • Implement backup and restore methodologies.


  • Know how to configure authentication and authorization.
  • Understand Kubernetes security primitives.
  • Know to configure network policies.
  • Create and manage TLS certificates for cluster components.
  • Work with images securely.
  • Define security contexts.
  • Secure persistent keyvalue store.


  • Understand persistent volumes and know how to create them.
  • Understand access modes for volumes.
  • Understand persistent volume claims primitive.
  • Understand Kubernetes storage objects.
  • Know how to configure applications with persistent storage.


  • Trouble shoot application failure.
  • Trouble shoot control plane failure.
  • Trouble shoot worker node failure.
  • Trouble shoot networking.

19%-Core Concepts

  • Understand the Kubernetes API primitives.
  • Understand the Kubernetes cluster architecture.
  • Understand Services and other network primitives.


  • Understand the networking configuration on the cluster nodes.
  • Understand Pod networking concepts.
  • Understand Service networking.
  • Deploy and configure network loadbalancer.
  • Know how to use Ingress rules.
  • Know how to configure and use the cluster DNS.
  • Understand CNI.

12%-Installation,Configuration &Validation

  • Design a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Install Kubernetes masters and nodes.
  • Configure secure cluster communications.
  • Configure a Highly-Available Kubernetes cluster.
  • Know where to get the Kubernetes release binaries.
  • Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Choose a network solution.
  • Choose your Kubernetes infrastructure configuration.
  • Run end-to-end tests on your cluster.
  • Analyse end-to-end tests results.
  • Run Node end-to-end tests.

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer(CKAD) ExamCurriculum v1.13.0
This document provides the curriculum outline of the Knowledge,Skills and Abilities that
a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) can be expected to demonstrate.

13%-Core Concepts

  • Understand Kubernetes API primitives
  • Create and configure basic Pods


  • Understand Config Maps
  • Understand Security Contexts
  • Define an application’s resource requirements
  • Create & consume Secrets
  • Understand Service Accounts

10% Multi-Container Pods 

  • Understand Multi-Container Pod design patterns (e.g.ambassador,adapter,sidecar)


  • Understand Liveness Probesand
    Readiness Probes
  • Understand container logging
  • Understand how to monitor applications in Kubernetes
  • Understand debugging in Kubernetes


  • Understand how to use Labels, Selectors, and Annotations
  • Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates
  • Understand Deployments and how to perform rollbacks
  • Understand Jobs and CronJobs


  • Understand Services
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of Network Policies

8%-State Persistence

  • Understand Persistent Volume Claims for storage

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    • Advanced Analytics and Insights

    • Data Visualization Best Practices

    • Data Governance and Security

    • Report Publishing and Distribution

    • Performance Optimization

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    tool covered

    Like the Curriculum ? Let's Get Started

    Why Enroll for Docker and Kubernetes ?

    Career Opportunities

    Docker and Kubernetes skills are in high demand in the job market. Enrolling in a Docker and Kubernetes course can enhance your career prospects and open up opportunities in roles such as DevOps Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer, Cloud Engineer, and Containerization Specialist.

    DevOps Practices

    Docker and Kubernetes are key components of modern DevOps practices. Enabling developers to build, test, and deploy applications using containers accelerates the software development lifecycle and promotes collaboration between development and operations teams.

    Scalability and Orchestration

    Kubernetes is the de facto standard for container orchestration, providing automated scaling, deployment, and management of containerized applications. By learning Kubernetes, you can efficiently manage and scale your containerized workloads, ensuring high availability and reliability.

    Hands-On Experience

    A Docker and Kubernetes course typically includes hands-on labs and projects that allow you to gain practical experience in using these technologies. By working on real-world scenarios and use cases, you can build confidence and proficiency in Docker and Kubernetes concepts and practices.

    Cloud-Native Development

    Docker and Kubernetes are foundational technologies for cloud-native development. They enable organizations to build and deploy cloud-native applications that are resilient, scalable, and optimized for the cloud environment.

    Containerization Revolution

    Docker and Kubernetes have revolutionized the way applications are built, shipped, and deployed. Understanding these technologies is essential for staying competitive in the rapidly evolving field of software development and deployment.

    Course benefits

    • In-Depth Understanding

    • Hands-On Experience

    • Efficient Development Workflow

    • Scalability and Resilience

    • Cloud-Native Development

    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

    • DevOps Integration

    • Industry Best Practices

    • Career Advancement

    • Certification Preparation

    Who Can Apply for Red Hat Linux

    Why Docker and Kubernetes ?


    Docker enables developers to package applications and their dependencies into lightweight, portable containers. Containers encapsulate everything needed to run an application, including code, runtime, libraries, and dependencies, ensuring consistency and reproducibility across different environments.

    Microservices Architecture

    Kubernetes provides orchestration and management capabilities for containerized applications, allowing developers to deploy, scale, and manage microservices-based architectures with ease. Kubernetes automates tasks such as load balancing, service discovery, and health checks, enabling resilient and scalable microservices deployments.

    DevOps Practices

    Docker and Kubernetes promote DevOps practices by enabling continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD), and infrastructure as code (IaC). Developers can use Docker to build, test, and package applications in containers, while operators can use Kubernetes to automate deployment, scaling, and management tasks.

    Scalability and Resilience

    Kubernetes automates the scaling and distribution of containerized workloads based on resource usage, traffic patterns, and application demand. Kubernetes ensures high availability and resilience by automatically restarting failed containers, balancing load across nodes, and managing rolling updates without downtime.

    Efficiency and Portability

    Containers offer a more efficient and lightweight alternative to traditional virtual machines, reducing overhead and resource consumption. Docker containers can run on any infrastructure that supports Docker, providing portability and flexibility across development, testing, and production environments.

    Ecosystem and Community

    Docker and Kubernetes have vibrant ecosystems and communities of users, contributors, and ecosystem partners. This ecosystem provides access to a rich library of container images, plugins, integrations, and best practices, accelerating development and enabling collaboration across the industry.

    Global Certification

    • Docker Certified Associate (DCA)

    • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

    • Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

    • Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP)

    • Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Administration (EX280)

    • Kubernetes for Developers (LFD259)

    • Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)

    course certificate

    Red Hat Linux Fees in Bangalore

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    About Us

    At Radical Technologies, we are committed to your success beyond the classroom. Our 100% Job Assistance program ensures that you are not only equipped with industry-relevant skills but also guided through the job placement process. With personalized resume building, interview preparation, and access to our extensive network of hiring partners, we help you take the next step confidently into your IT career. Join us and let your journey to a successful future begin with the right support.

    At Radical Technologies, we ensure you’re ready to shine in any interview. Our comprehensive Interview Preparation program includes mock interviews, expert feedback, and tailored coaching sessions to build your confidence. Learn how to effectively communicate your skills, handle technical questions, and make a lasting impression on potential employers. With our guidance, you’ll walk into your interviews prepared and poised for success.

    At Radical Technologies, we believe that a strong professional profile is key to standing out in the competitive IT industry. Our Profile Building services are designed to highlight your unique skills and experiences, crafting a resume and LinkedIn profile that resonate with employers. From tailored advice on showcasing your strengths to tips on optimizing your online presence, we provide the tools you need to make a lasting impression. Let us help you build a profile that opens doors to your dream career.

    Red Hat Linux Course Projects

    Infrastructure Provisioning

    And Configuration Management

    Implementing automated infrastructure provisioning and configuration management using Ansible. This may include setting up servers, networking devices, and other infrastructure components using playbooks and roles. 


    Applications Deployment

    And Orchestration

    Automating the deployment and orchestration of applications across development, testing, and production environments. This could involve deploying web servers, databases. middleware, and other application components using Ansible

    Continuous Integration

    And Continuous Deployment

    Integrating Ansible into CI/CD pipelines to automate software. build, test, and deployment processes. This may include automating the creation of build artifacts, running tests, and deploying applications to various environments.