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Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) equips you with Linux® administration “survival skills” by focusing on foundational Linux concepts and core tasks. You will learn how to apply command-line concepts and enterprise-level tools, starting you on your journey toward becoming a full-time Linux system administrator. This path continues with the follow-on course, Red Hat System Administration II (RH134).
Red Hat System Administration I provides a foundation for students wishing to become full-time Linux system administrators by introducing key command line concepts and other enterprise-level tools. These concepts are further developed in the follow-on course, Red Hat System Administration II (RH134).
What is Python..?
A Brief history of Python
Why Should I learn Python..?
Installing Python
How to execute Python program
Write your first program
Variables & Data Types
Lists ,Tuples & Dictionary
Conditional Statements & Loops
if…else statement
The while…Loop
The for….Loop
Control Statements
continue statement
break statement
pass statement
Define function
Calling a function
Function arguments
Built-in functions
How to import a module…?
How to create packages
Introduction about classes & objects
Creating a class & object
Methods Overriding
Data hiding
Writing data to a file
Reading data from a file
Read and Write data from csv file
os module
What is Machine learing?
Overview about sci-kit learn and tensorflow
Types of ML
Some complementing fields of ML
ML algorithms
Machine learning examples
Creating multidimensional array
NumPy-Data types
Array attributes
Indexing and Slicing
Creating array views and copies
Manipulating array shapes
I/O with NumPy
Installing pandas
Pandas dataframes
Pandas Series
Data aggregation with Pandas DataFrames
Concatenating and appending DataFrames
Joining DataFrames
Handling missing data
What are regular expressions?
The match Function
The search Function
Matching vs searching
Search and Replace
Extended Regular Expressions
Install the cx_Oracle and other Packages
Create Database Connection
DML and DDL Oepration with Databases
Performing Transactions
Handling Database Errors
Disconnecting Database
Web Scraping in Python
+91 8882400500
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
1. Basic user account management (creating, modifying, and deleting users).
2. Password resets and account unlocks.
3. Basic file system navigation and management (creating, deleting, and modifying files and directories).
4. Basic troubleshooting of network connectivity issues.
5. Basic software installation and package management (installing and updating software packages).
6. Viewing system logs and checking for errors or warnings.
7. Running basic system health checks (CPU, memory, disk space).
8. Restarting services or daemons.
9. Monitoring system performance using basic tools (top, df, free).
10. Running basic commands to gather system information (uname, hostname, ifconfig).
1. Intermediate user account management (setting permissions, managing groups).
2. Configuring network interfaces and troubleshooting network connectivity issues.
3. Managing file system permissions and access control lists (ACLs).
4. Performing backups and restores of files and directories.
5. Installing and configuring system monitoring tools (Nagios, Zabbix).
6. Analyzing system logs for troubleshooting purposes.
7. Configuring and managing software repositories.
8. Configuring and managing system services (systemd, init.d).
9. Performing system updates and patch management.
10. Monitoring and managing system resources (CPU, memory, disk I/O).
1. Advanced user account management (LDAP integration, single sign-on).
2. Configuring and managing network services (DNS, DHCP, LDAP).
3. Configuring and managing storage solutions (RAID, LVM, NFS).
4. Implementing and managing security policies (firewall rules, SELinux).
5. Implementing and managing system backups and disaster recovery plans.
6. Configuring and managing virtualization platforms (KVM, VMware).
7. Performance tuning and optimization of system resources.
8. Implementing and managing high availability solutions (clustering, load balancing).
9. Automating system administration tasks using scripting (Bash, Python).
10. Managing system configurations using configuration management tools (Ansible, Puppet).
1. Learning basic shell scripting for automation tasks. 2. Understanding file system permissions and ownership. 3. Learning basic networking concepts (IP addressing, routing). 4. Learning how to use package management tools effectively. 5. Familiarizing with common Linux commands and utilities. 6. Understanding basic system architecture and components. 7. Learning basic troubleshooting techniques and methodologies. 8. Familiarizing with basic security principles and best practices. 9. Learning how to interpret system logs and diagnostic output. 10. Understanding the role and importance of system backups and restores.
1. Advanced scripting and automation techniques (error handling, loops).
2. Understanding advanced networking concepts (VLANs, subnetting).
3. Familiarizing with advanced storage technologies (SAN, NAS).
4. Learning advanced security concepts and techniques (encryption, PKI).
5. Understanding advanced system performance tuning techniques.
6. Learning advanced troubleshooting methodologies (root cause analysis).
7. Implementing and managing virtualization and cloud technologies.
8. Configuring and managing advanced network services (VPN, IDS/IPS).
9. Implementing and managing containerization technologies (Docker, Kubernetes).
10. Understanding enterprise-level IT governance and compliance requirements.
1. Designing and implementing complex IT infrastructure solutions. 2. Architecting and implementing highly available and scalable systems. 3. Developing and implementing disaster recovery and business continuity plans. 4. Conducting security audits and vulnerability assessments. 5. Implementing and managing advanced monitoring and alerting systems. 6. Developing custom automation solutions tailored to specific business needs. 7. Providing leadership and mentorship to junior team members. 8. Collaborating with other IT teams on cross-functional projects. 9. Evaluating new technologies and making recommendations for adoption. 10. Participating in industry conferences, workshops, and training programs.
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