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4.7 ( 2055 Ratings )
Ubuntu Server administration involves managing and maintaining a server running the Ubuntu Server operating system. Ubuntu Server is a popular Linux distribution used for various server applications, such as web hosting, database management, file sharing, and more.Ubuntu Server administration demands a combination of technical expertise, security awareness, and system maintenance skills to ensure the server operates smoothly, securely, and efficiently.
Curriculum Designed by Experts
Releases and Flavors of Ubuntu
Differentiate between the flavors of Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu Maintenance Model
Explain the Ubuntu Linux release cycle
Explain the Ubuntu naming convention
Explain Ubuntu LTS maintenance cycle
System Installation
Complete an Ubuntu Server installation
Introduction to MAAS
List and explain key MAAS features and functionality
Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
Define the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
Explain the Ubuntu Filesystem Hierarchy
Linux File Types
List and define Linux file types
Get Help
Access and use Linux manual pages
Access and use Linux info pages
Locate and use package documentation Shell Environment
List key shell environment concepts
List and explain the purpose of shell environment files
Define environment variables
Create and use shell aliases
Explain data channels, redirection, and command chaining
Explain return values
List and explain shell expansion and wild cards
Explain and use brace expansion
Explain and use tilde expansion
Explain and use parameter/variable expansion
Explain and use command substitution
Explain and use arithmetic expansion
Explain and use wildcard expansion
CLI Commands
Navigate the file system using CLI
Manipulate the file system using CLI
Search the file system
Search file contents
Manipulate file contents
Perform text processing
Terminal Multiplexing
Use terminal multiplexing with Byobu
Introduction to Vim
Describe Vim
Describe the purpose of the vimrc file
Perform Vim navigation
Use Vim command mode
Use Vim insert mode
Use Vim visual mode
Use Vim search and replace/delete
Use Vim windows
Remote Administration with OpenSSH
Describe key OpenSSH features and functionality
Perform OpenSSH server configuration
Use OpenSSH client tools
Perform SSH key management
Use SSH port tunneling
User Management
Explain the purpose of UNIX user accounts
List and explain user/group data files
Perform user/group/password management
Privilege Delegation
Define and use sudo
Explain su
Explain and manipulate file/directory
Explain and manipulate umask
Explain and manipulate
SUID/SGID/Sticky Bit
Explain Posix ACL concepts
Enable Posix ACLs
Manipulate Posix ACLs
List key PAM features and functionality
Configure PAM modules
Introduction to AppArmor
List key AppArmor features and functionality
Boot Process Overview
Explain the Ubuntu boot process
The Boot Loader
Explain and configure GRUB2
The Kernel and Initrd
Explain the Linux kernel initialization process
Describe Initrd
Describe Systemd features and functionality
Explain Systemd init descriptors
Describe Upstart features and functionality
Explain Upstart scripts
Process Administration
Describe Linux processes
List processes
Send signals to processes
Process Priority
Define and manipulate process priority
with nice/renice
Background Processes
Define and use job control
Scheduling Processes
Explain and schedule processes with cron
Explain and schedule processes with at
On-demand Processes
Explain and configure on-demand processes
with xinetd
Debian Package Management
Describe Debian package management
Perform Debian package management
Advanced Package Tool (Apt)
Perform package management with apt
Perform package management with aptitude
Snappy Package Management
Perform package management with snappy
Describe and use MBR/MSDOS partitions
Describe and use GPT partitions
File Systems
Describe and configure Ext4
Describe and configure XFS
Describe and configure BTRFS
Describe and configure ZFS (Xenial)
Software RAID
Define Linux software RAID
Describe and use mdadm command
Describe LVM features and functionality
Configure and work with LVM physical
Configure and work with LVM volume
Configure and work with LVM logical
Configure and work with LVM snapshots
Basic Network Commands
Describe Linux network configuration layers
Use basic network commands (ip/ethtool)
Use network troubleshooting commands
Network Initialization and Configuration
Describe and use Ubuntu network interface management commands
Describe and manipulate Ubuntu network
interface configuration files
Describe and configure hostname
Describe and configure network
interface bonding
Describe and configure VLANs
System Logging
Describe system logging
Configure rsyslog
Configure logrotate
Time Synchronization
Describe key NTP concepts
Configure NTP server and client
Use time sync CLI tools
Backup and Recovery
Describe and use archiving and
compression utilities
Describe and use dd
Describe and use rsync
Describe QEMU/KVM
Describe LXC (Trusty)
Describe and use LXD (Xenial) containers
Describe and use uvtool
Virtual Machine Management
Describe and use virsh
Describe and use virt-manager